Canadians Takeover La La Land in " DeGrassi Goes Hollywood"

I have definitely been waiting all summer for "DeGrassi Goes Hollywood" and it definitely lived up to my less, no more. But, being that nothing is perfect of course it has its flaws. I swear the DeGrassi students must be the most talented kids in the world, they can do when you think they can't do anymore of course you find out about more secret talents they have. Supposedly, grease monkey Jay can also play the drums a talent we never were exposed to. Superstar model Mia is actually quite the grease monkey herself and actually was more of a mechanic than Jay was in the movie. Then Manny can sing. But, that one was not as surprising because we know in real life her real name is Cassie Steele and she is a music that wasn't as far fetched. They tend to do that on DeGrassi, if anyone remembers Craig used to be a photographer but all of a sudden they made him a rock God, that is because that is what he does in real life, once he picked up a mic you haven't seen him pick up a camera since. Anyways, its good DeGrassi students are multi-talented and all but, each talent just popped out of nowhere they could have tied it together somehow, they didn't even try to create a back story for these talents. Onto my next point, Paige definitely did not disappoint. The situations she got into was so Paige. Or should I say so Old school Paige, like when Degrassi first started and she was queen bee. I loved it! The only thing about Paige's character that I thought was a little off was from what I remember Paige was one to hold grudges for a long time, like when she was mad at Ashley I think in season two when Ashley called her out when she was high on, I thought it was very odd for her to befriend Halley ( I think that was her name in the movie) after all the stuff she put her through she ended up being her friend. Even above that she made a whole speech about how she would never become as mean as her but, in my opinion she became worse because she dissed her own friends. After Halley befriended Paige at least she was a good friend, even though she gave really stupid advice. So, in my eyes Paige went from queen bee to bottom feeder, but hey it was entertaining. But, what wasn't so entertaining was Ellie. I think they needed to tug are emotional strings so they used Ellie's character to do so. They didn't want to use Craig's bi-polar syndrome or crack addiction, that was old news so they attempted to create drama with Ellie. The attempt obviously failed. The whole movie I had no idea what was wrong with her other than her dad was sick. So, the whole movie I'm wondering what did he do in the past to make her hate him so much? Does he have cancer or something worse? Why do they not get along? It turns out that he had post traumatic stress syndrome and she likes to fix people and she is so distraught because she can't help him. I'm not saying that's not serious, but come on they could have done better than that. Also, I don't think that would really drive her to hit the bottle so hard..but, hey I've never been in her shoes...but, I'm just saying...but, I do give them props by making her drink to deal with her stress it all ties in with her mother being an alcoholic and all. Last, but not least Manny. Manny has always been my favorite character all since she went good girl gone bad. I just wished she didn't spend most of the movie trying to get to LA. I would have loved to see more of her in LA. I feel as if her part was rushed at the end of the movie. They could have edited out some of Paige's background story and filled it in with Manny. I love Manny's style, character, EVERYTHING!!! I loved her song "Life is a Show" I will download it as soon as possible. ( Listen to the song here The only part I didn't like was her choice in boyfriends. He was a douche...but, it did set up why she messed up on the audition in the first place, with him psyching her out in all. I am glad she did get the part and all thanks to Paige...who would have thought...because I can swear the last time they spoke to each other it was after Manny broke Paige's leg and she ripped Manny's dress off in front of the whole prom. So, I wouldn't think Paige would go out of her way for Manny, but hey, I'm all for unity and mending wounds. Overall, I liked the movie it was exactly what I expected from DeGrassi. During the movie I saw the commercial for the new season of DeGrassi coming this Fall and like before every new season I am excited for's about to get real! Watch the full movie here

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Getting Social n Miami

I am a fabulous life buff, I love the glitz and glamour and of course the money aspect of it so, i watch things about it all the time. Bravo has show that will be coming to a end soon entitled "Miami Social" The show is kind of like the grown-up version of 'The Hills" but it is set in Florida with conversation that doesn't make you I.Q. go down everytime you tune in. I would have to say my favorite person on the show is Zora. She is so down to earth and mature about how she handes her X-husband who happens to be featured on the show as well and is apart of her clic of close friends. I like how she handles having a boyfriend and a X that come across each often well. I admire her for that. My next fav is Michael. Only because I envy his career, he is a celebrity journalist and that is exactly what I want to be when I'm older and in a big city as well. He is stationed in Miami and I want to be in New York. Anyways, I wish I can get in contact with him one day (MICHAEL IF YOUR OUT THERE SOMEWHERE IN CYBERSPACE I WOULD LOVE TO GET IN CONTACT WITH YOU!) I also love how he is a hopeless romantic and you don't find many of those in the gay community.I pretty much like every character I envy their lifestyle and hope when I get that age I can have just as much success. I just wish George would dump his crazy non-American girlfriend! I have nothing against people who are not American but, I just don't what nationality she is. Anyways...she is crazy and like his friend Hardy said in the long run she will tear him down. This not my greatest blog post but I just think something needed to be said about the show. I don't know if they have many viewers I haven't heard much about it through the college scene. But, I love it!

Do you have "good" hair?

In the African American community, we all have our own interpretation of good hair. I personally believe good hair is that unrelaxed hair where you can get it wet and it curls up and still shines. Others believe good hair is long, straight, natural, or whatever you consider good hair it is usually the opposite of the kind of hair you have yourself. This same question went through comedian and Producer Chris Rock's mind, when his daughter came home from school one and asked " Daddy,how come I don't have good hair?" In his new Sundance documentary Chris Rock goes into depth about hair culture and the business of hair; what good hair is, relaxers, weaves, and everything in between. Even "weave sex". He interviews people from the black hair salons in the US to the India where weave is one of their biggest Hollywood talking to celebs like Nia Long, Raven Simone', Megan Good, Lauren London and more. He traveled for two years doing work for this film, spending most of his time down south. From the previews I have seen it looks informative from a comedic standpoint. Can't wait to go see this when it hits theatres. Check out the trailer at

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