Get to Know Fashion Through History...Vogue

Vogue was founded by Arthur Baldwin Turnure in 1892. But, the magazine did not really jump start until Condé Nast picked it up after Turnure died. Nast made it a bi-weekly publication instead of the original weekly. Years passed and the magazine became popular in other countries like France. By the 1960's, Vogue began to appeal to the younger generation. In the 1960's they were all about the sexual revolution so Vogue focused on contemporary fashion and sexuality. Vogue also started to popularize models like the well known Twiggy (for the non-fashion followers she was a judge on America's Next Top Model seasons 5-9). In 1973, Vogue became a monthly publication. Anna Wintour is the current editor-in-Chief of American Vogue and has been since 1988. She can easily be compared to Meryl Streep's character in " The Devil Wears Prada" just with a signature Bob hairstyle. She can be held responsible for giving the magazine its current high status and broader audience. She achieved this by mixing a haute couture piece with jeans on the cover. This ensemble appealed to all rich and poor by putting it together as she did. Vogue is still striving today and will be well into the future....

( Picture Courtesy of flickr -**http%3A//

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